Thursday, April 21, 2011

Illustration friday 4/20/2011

This is my entry for Illustration friday for this week. The theme was Journey. I'm not happy with the sky. i think it got to muddled. I may try doing this in illustrator and see if i cant make it more graphic.

Chicken Update with other new art

So like i posted yesterday, I had this chicken painting that I was wanting to do and ink wash over like we had doe in my illustration media class. this is the outcome...i kinda like the original and i kinda like this.
This will be for sale in my shop about monday to tuesday, It depends because i'm gonna start working on a piece for the Colorado Alliance of Illustrators art show that is coming up soon.

Also worked on was this piece in gouache and watercolor. This was harder to to do because of the lighting aspect but it was still a lot of fun to do. :)
this will also be sold without watermark if you want to know

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chicken Egg

So this is my take on what came first, the chicken or the egg. I say that it was a special egg with the chicken inside....I'm planning to take black ink over and do an ink wash that i learned in my illustration media class. Not sure how that will come out considering that it was done with just gouache and this chicken was done with watercolor and gouache....its an experiment so that makes it fun. I'll sell the original when i'm done with it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Illustration Friday-Bottled

I had a different idea for this. I was initaially thinking of doing an image of someone bottling their emotions up inside and some how one small sketch turned into this.
The nice thing about this, other than the factor that it is quite different from what I normally do, was that i was able to use traditional media. This was done with pen and ink and watercolor washes over.
I'm actually really happy with how this came out, it had the kids at work going nuts trying to figure out what was going on, which made me laugh. The only thing I wished was that the scanner didn't drain the colors out but its still looks really nice. thanks ahead of time-michelle

Monday, April 11, 2011


So I started this painting at the end of last week, did a bunch of sketchs and thought that this composition was the best.
I've entered it into a gallery show, and will see if its accepted.
overall i'm moderatly happy with this.

That being said, yes there is a lot that I could do to make this better. I could change the composition and do all sorts of other stuff. But I am my own worst critic because I often get the sense that my digital work just isn't as strong as my traditional. It's just something that i'm going to have to work on.

I do ask though that you take the time to comment and critique this piece because i can't improve my skills without knowing what needs to be improved.  Thanks-Michelle

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Illustration friday

Ahh 3 weeks in a row. Although this week was a close call because of other duties I needed to do. I started sketching for this on wednesday, but didn't start anything until today, thursday. This was done all in photoshop CS3 and it is for the theme of Duet:

my favorite part of this piece was drawing the hippo. enjoy and please comment or critique this, trust me i can take it.